Sunday 4 November 2012

Silent Sunday

Love All Blogs


  1. lovely fireplaces, especially on cold days like today :)

  2. Ah time for the winter bills to roll in! Can't beat being all cozy in the house though... wish we had a fire and not a noisy boiler that sounds like a giant bee!! xx

    It started with a Squish

  3. Now that looks cosy, I would be curled up in front of it!

  4. I feel all warm and cosy just looking at your picture :) x

  5. Thank you all for your comments, wish I could reply one by one but don't seem to be able to do that on Blogspot. Took this pic around 7am this morning after giving up trying to put baby back to sleep. Needed the fire as the front room takes ages to warm up but I must say; having the fire on a cold morning did cheer me up after a rubbish sleepless night.

  6. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh nothing like a warm fire on a Autumn's day.

  7. snuggly! I do like your Iris tin(?) too, it's lovely

  8. There's a sign that winter is coming. Looks nice and snuggly warm :)


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